🌟STAR Senior Spotlight🌟
My name is Talia and I’m a graduating senior from Frisco, TX. Although I began my time at Bradley as a biochemistry major, I’m now graduating as a Philosophy major with minors in Chemistry, Business Law, Ethics, and Legal Studies. Next fall, I will be attending Washington & Lee School of Law to earn my J.D..
Throughout my time at Bradley I was welcomed into the community by peers and faculty alike. In my very first week on campus I met the people who would eventually become my best friends. In the past four years we have studied abroad in Ireland, attended many concerts, and made so many fun memories just studying or eating dinner together. I connected with other amazing people through @bradleyesa Service Sorority, Bradley Choirs @bradleyumusic, @bradleysenate, and my job as a campus tour guide.
The resources and support I received while at Bradley shaped the trajectory of my future. I was guided through my major change and subsequent decision to apply to law schools, particularly by Judge Maher with Bradley’s Center for Legal Studies and Dr. Dzapo with @bradleyhonors Program. I am so proud to be graduating, and I am excited about my future. I will be forever grateful to Bradley for allowing me to find my passion and pursue it and for providing me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people.
#bradleygrad #classof2023 #seniors2023 #lawschool #philosophy #chemistry #businesslaw #Ethics #legalstudies #texas